As chiropractors, we’re trained to use our minds to identify and correct subluxations. But how often do we connect our powerful imagination with the wisdom of our hearts?
Stew reminds us that our imagination, when linked solely to our analytical mind, can become entangled with limitations and fears. We might imagine worst-case scenarios, doubt our abilities, or limit our vision of what’s possible for our patients and our practice.
But what happens when we consciously reconnect our imagination with our hearts? We tap into a wellspring of compassion, intuition, and expansive possibility. We see our patients not just as cases to solve, but as whole beings with unlimited potential for healing.
Today, try this exercise: Before each patient interaction, take a deep breath and imagine a golden thread connecting your mind to your heart. As you work, let your imagination flow from this heart-centered place. Notice how it changes your perception, your touch, and your overall approach.
Share in the comments: How does connecting your imagination to your heart change your practice? What new possibilities do you see?
Want to deepen this heart-mind connection? Our podcast “Stew-on-This” explores these concepts weekly. Check out our latest episode “It Will Be OK Because It’s OK Right Now” on your favorite podcasting app. Let’s reimagine chiropractic care from the heart! ❤️🧠✨